並行システム論 4/17


L1: #<> = 0
L2: #<x> = 1
L3: #<s^t> = #<s> + #<t>
L4: #<t↑(A∪B)> = #<t↑A> + #<t↑B> - #<t↑(A∪B)>
L5: s≦t ⇒ #s≦#t
L6: #tn = n*(#t)

Frequency of occurence of action
S↓x = #(S↑{x})

ex) S = <abcada>
    S↓a = #(<abcada>↑{a})
         = #(<aaa>) = 3


Semantics of a process
Trace: {process}→{trace}

L1: Trace(STOP) = {<>}
L2: Trace(c→P) = {t | t=<> ∨ t_0=c ∧ t'∈Trace(P)}
                = {<>}∪{<c>^t | t ∈ Trace(P)}

L3: Trace(c→P|d→Q)
     = {t | t=<> ∨ (t_0=c ∧ t'∈Trace(P))
                 ∨ t_0 = d ∧ t'∈Trace(Q)}

L4: Trace(x:B→P(x)) = {t | t=<> ∨ t_0∈B ∧ t'∈Trace(P(t_0))}
    Finite set of actions

L5: Trace(uX:A.F(X)) = Trace(STOP)∪Trace(F(STOP))∪Trace(F(F(STOP)))∪…
                     = ∪_m Trace(Fn(STOP))
    X = F(X)

ex: αM_A = A
      M_A = (x:A → M_A)
      M_A = uX:A F(X)
        where F(X) = (x:A → X)
    Trace(M_A) = A* ....(1)
    A = {a,b}, A* = {<>,<a>,<b>,<aa>,<ab>

(proof of (1))
 A* = ∪_n≧0 {s | s∈A* ∧ #s≦n}

We prove the following
∀n(Trace(Fn(STOP_A)) = {s|s∈A* ∧ #s≦n})

i) n=0
(L.H =) Trace(STOP_A) = {<>} (= R.H)

ii) Trace(Fn+1(STOP_A))
   = Trace(x:A → Fn(STOP_A))
   = {t|t=<> ∨ (t_0∈A ∧ t'∈Trace(Fn(STOP_A)))}
   = {t|t=<> ∨ (t_0∈A ∧ t'∈{s|s∈A* ∧ #s≦n})}
   = {t|t=<> ∨ (t_0∈A ∧ t'∈A ∧ #t≦n+1)}
   = {t|t=<> ∨ #t≦n+1}
   = {s|s=<> ∨ #s≦n+1}

∀P∀s∀t(s^t∈Trace(P) ⇒ S∈Trace(P))...Q2


after (process contruction function)
P/s 軌跡sに記録されている全ての動作を行ったPが

L1: P/<> = P
L2: P/s^t = (P/s)/t
L3: (s:B → P(x))/<c> = P(c)
L3A: (c→P)/<c> = P
L4: Trace(P/s) = {t|s^t∈Trace(P)}
                  where s∈Trace(P)

ex (1) ∀s∈Trace(P)   P/s≠STOP
   (2) cyclicety


Renaming function f.

f  : A->B    f*(s↑A)≠f*(s)↑f(A)...Q3
f* : A*->B*  f(A) = {f(a)|a∈A}

L1: <>int.l<t,s> ... if t=<>, s=<>
L2: s int.l<t,u> <=> s int.l <u,t>
                      a   c
                      :   :
                      b   d
L3: .....略


v  it appears in the end of trace
   it shows the process has property stoped

s;t              s;{v} = s(¬(<v>∈(s)'))
 ̄ ̄

L1: s;t = s if s does not contain v
L2: s^<v>;t=...
L3: ...........略